The BBC reports that the study found that 99.75% of a person’s life satisfaction has nothing to do with their use of social media. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Social Media
There’s nothing but irony in the BBC’s video about a Minneapolis kid who has become a sensation in China because people there don’t like to say what they really think. Read more →
Facebook kills careers. So does being a little too invested in a political issue. Ask the manager of a North Dakota horse track who, on his personal page, weighed into a bill in the North Dakota Legislature that would provide some assistance to the North Dakota Horse Park in paying special assessments to the City of Fargo. Read more →
The Minnesota Court of Appeals Monday broadened state law on what constitutes criminal sexual conduct beyond actual sex in the case of a man caught arrested after online conversations with a police decoy posing as a 14-year-old boy. Read more →
Here’s a piece of advice for people on mass transit who feel entitled to take a picture or video of a fellow rider: Don’t. Read more →

At its best, social media allows us to be joined at the heart. Claire Wineland, who had cystic fibrosis, was a perfect example.
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Perhaps you’ve noticed police departments increasing the use of social media to get help identifying suspects — they call them “persons of interest” — in crimes. It’s a troubling trend that is growing more troubling because businesses have started doing the same thing. Read more →

Ryan McKenna’s team lost the Super Bowl but he got 36 Snapchats, 21 DMs, and 150 follower requests so it’s all good. Read more →
Willmar City Council member Ron Christianson didn’t show up at last night’s Council meeting where his constituents were to speak about Christianson’s social media commentary on Muslims in the community.
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Anyone who has spent any time at all posting to Facebook probably knows the reality of living in a fantasy world. Let’s face it: The images we’re uploading, the status updates we’re making, are only a part of our lives. We don’t generally post the other part, and in so doing, we create the illusion of our perfect lives for the benefit of others. Read more →
Some Facebook users reached a new low today — even for Facebook users — when someone thought it was a good idea to post the image of a man in St. Paul who took his own life.
The St. Paul Police Department — and cops see the worst in us every day — was shocked at the callousness toward a man who had lived with mental health issues.
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When Harrison Rund was stopped by a Minnesota state trooper in 2014 who searched his trunk and found marijuana, he made a big mistake.
He went home, started drinking, and then went on Twitter. Read more →
After awhile, Twitter, like heroin, becomes problematic. Read more →
Only about four of your Facebook friends actually care about you, a study from the UK says today.
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Has too much of our routine been handed over to Facebook? This story from Australia might provide a clue. Read more →