The steady dreambeat, now, of sexual harassment allegations gives us pause to ask them a question: Who raised you?
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MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Sexual harassment

The unusual collision of a radio network’s management and a radio network’s newsroom was heard nationwide on Wednesday when NPR CEO Jarl Mohn was grilled by one of his network’s reporters — Mary Louise Kelly — on why NPR fired its head of news only after the Washington Post blew the whistle on Michael Oreskes’ behavior 20 years ago at the New York Times, when he accosted two women in separate incidents.
It was an unusual, and likely uncomfortable, few minutes as Kelly interrogated her boss. It was unusual for the CEO of an organization to be willing to be grilled so publicly. Read more →
Sports Illustrated’s Richard Deitsch offers no names in his column today detailing just how common it is for female sportswriters to be sexually harassed by the men they cover.
Some of the players in incidents he details required the willful assistance of officials of the teams for which the athlete played. Read more →

I’m not embarrassed by Teague because he brought shame to a university I embrace, or a state I love. I’m embarrassed because I’m a man.
Aren’t you? Read more →
Reading through the texts that recently “resigned” University of Minnesota athletics director Teague sent to a woman at a university event revealed that despite what he said when reading a statement last Friday morning, alcohol isn’t his main problem — character is.
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That there’s at least a little expression of shame surrounding the University of Minnesota athletics department today can be described like this: ‘It’s a good start.’
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No doubt, the creepiest part of the video I posted a day or so ago featuring the woman walking in New York, is the person who walked alongside her for several minutes. Read more →