The two Columbine High School shooters killed 12 students, including Austin Eubanks’ best friend, and one teacher before they killed themselves or each other. On Saturday, they killed Eubanks. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: School shootings

If Wednesday evening’s vigil for a student killed during this week’s school shooting in Colorado is any indication, it’s no longer possible to mourn gun victims without politicians and activists crowding out the kids. Read more →
The Columbine High School shooting 20 years ago this month is the massacre that started the wave of mass shootings in the modern crime era.
We’ve come a long way since then and many shootings never make it to the front page; they’re that common now. Read more →
Friday marks the sixth anniversary of the Sandy Hook school shooting in Connecticut.
Each year at this time, Sandy Hook Promise, the group formed by family members of some of those killed in the massacre, releases a devastating PSA to help people recognize the signs of someone who might use violence in school. Read more →
Your kindergarteners are going to be singing new nursery rhymes. Read more →

Let’s get rid of all the rules that prevent students in school from having their smartphones with them at all times. In the current reality, they’re a lifeline. That much seems obvious after the school shooting in Florida.
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Research confirms that mental health and mass shootings are not well linked, but who’s going to check when the wagons are circled and the weaponry of blaming mental illness is drawn? Read more →

The normalization of school shootings has made it difficult for those fighting them to get their message to rise above the din of the daily news. One shooting last week in New Mexico barely registered a blip in the news cycle.
Five years ago Thursday, the nation’s shock reached its zenith on the subject when 20 children between 6 and 7 years old and six adults were killed at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT. Read more →
In Harrisburg, S.D., southeast of Sioux Falls, two years ago, high school student Mason Buhl, then 16, walked into the principal’s office and shot Kevin Lein.
In the 23 months that Buhl has been sitting in jail awaiting trial, Lein has been one of the boy’s biggest advocates.
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In an op-ed in today’s Star Tribune Daniel Wolpert of Minneapolis defends the practice of judging the parents in news stories where a child has done wrong.
Clearly, Wolpert is talking mostly about the parents of John LaDue of Waseca. He’s the 17-year-old boy charged with a plot to set off bombs at schools in Waseca, then shoot kids trying to flee. Reportedly, he planned to kick off his day by killing his parents. Read more →
It fairly boggles the mind the extent to which one person in one spot and one moment was the difference between that safety and an unspeakable mass murder.
Or does it?
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School shootings haven’t become routine by any stretch, but they’ve slipped into the regular news cycle as any other news story. Read more →

The latest school shooting barely makes the news. Read more →