Golden Valley’s reaction to a proposed mental health center for kids was hateful, and shameful. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Politics

Upon further review, the NFL may be more enlightened than the media portrays. Is racially offensive material more acceptable if it’s art? Behind the caucus night fights in Minneapolis. The viral cop photo in Saint Paul. And how to see the ice caves of Lake Superior. Read more →

The disaster waiting to happen on Franklin Avenue happened, why aren’t there more fights at caucuses, Warroad’s olympians, can diversity be funny, and bright lights and big dreams for a 14 year old. Read more →
Would a required ultrasound reduce the number of abortions?
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The number of people who will pause to watch the State of the Union address tonight is but a fraction of the number of people who will watch a single football game this weekend. America has never quite figured out how to make public policy as interesting as grown men knocking each other senseless on the gridiron.
It’s not for lack of trying. Read more →
John Boehner says he’s not interested in being president if he has to give up cigarettes. Read more →
Gov. Mark Dayton and other politicians have their careers tied to MNsure. They’ve been in denial. Is anyone listening? Read more →
Should it be illegal to describe someone as a Nazi? Read more →

Gay athletes in the U.S. Olympic delegation to Russia are sending a loud message to the International Olympic Committee that it doesn’t want to hear. Read more →

Why a Minneapolis man is suing to halt state funding of a new stadium for the Vikings, a White Bear Lake hockey player shows what sportsmanship is, Winona is the stained-glass capital of the USA, a gay Marine dies a Marine, and the return of BatKid. Read more →
Quebec’s proposal to ban public workers from wearing religious symbols and garb is generating plenty of heat as testimony opens on the proposal. Its supporters, however, say the ban is necessary to protect Quebec as a secular province. They call the proposed ban the “your head scarf or your job” bill. The Montreal Gazette blog Read more →

A look at the other Twin Cities, Remembering Sam Bern’s, why we don’t see the obvious, the new North Dakotans, and the gift of gratitude. Read more →
The Minnesota Legislature may soon consider a 10-cent recycling fee for bottles, cans and other beverage containers. What say you? Read more →

Chris Christie’s responses betray his assertion that he’s going to get to the bottom of what happened in a New Jersey bridge scandal. Read more →
Tomorrow is the third anniversary of the Tucson assassination attempt on U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. A gunman’s rampage in Connecticut pushed the Giffords shooting to the sideline in the ongoing debate over gun control legislation. Six people were killed. Giffords, as most people know, was seriously hurt, has had a slow and remarkable recovery, and Read more →