This weekend’s Saturday Night Live skit brought with it a nagging question: Should civics classes teach how a bill becomes a law, or how it really does — or doesn’t — become a law?
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This weekend’s Saturday Night Live skit brought with it a nagging question: Should civics classes teach how a bill becomes a law, or how it really does — or doesn’t — become a law?
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We’re more than a month into the so-called Ebola crisis and so far the number of Americans who’ve contracted the illness here and who weren’t bedside treating Ebola patients in a hospital stands at zero. Still.
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That it’s news when a couple of prominent politicians play nice says a lot about the state of politics. Read more →
The difference in reactions to the disturbances in Ferguson, Mo., where a white police officer shot an unarmed young black man nearly two weeks ago, sadly isn’t surprising. Many white Americans reportedly think the black community’s anger over Michael Brown’s death – indeed, the growing movement in Ferguson to address longstanding inequities — and the Read more →
It’s not been a particularly prideful 24 hours for Republican Party insiders on social networks. Read more →
When’s the last time you watched a floor speech with any passion in the U.S. Congress on any subject? Read more →
A new study analyzing reporting of political debates finds that political journalists are more stenographers than journalists, depending on how you view the word “objectivity.” Read more →
In Idaho, Harley Brown is running for governor. The perennial candidate stole the show at this week’s GOP gubernatorial debate.
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An ad from the Republican Governors Association in support of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is a good example of the silliness of political advertising. It’s a hit ad on Mary Burke, Walker’s Democratic challenger, in which the faces of struggling Wisconsinites is shown. Only Joe Korb and his wife aren’t in the soup line. They Read more →
Pat Garofolo and some online friends were dissing the National Basketball Association, where the majority of players are African American, when he took it a step further by linking its players with crime. Read more →
Politicians are arguing over whether property taxes in Minnesota have dropped. There’s only one way to determine the answer: your checkbook. Read more →
Did lawmakers follow through on their promises to give up their shutdown pay, Herb Bergson’s battle, the ice houses that don’t want to leave Minnesota lakes, when we make things all about us, and Minnesota: The state of Daft Punk. Read more →
Actor Seth Rogen came a congressional subcommittee to talk about his mother-in-law’s struggle with Alzheimer’s. Many lawmakers ignored him. Read more →
Can a kid in Minnesota be a part-time hockey player, the medical marijuana issue at the Capitol, why is nobody answering at 911, the end of free TV, and the singing TV traffic guy. Read more →
In Dallas, the pols proposed a new rule. If you speak at a city council meeting, you can’t speak again — on any issue — for another 30 days.
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