A lot of political pundits were burying the Republican Party after the government shutdown in October. A lot of political pundits were wrong, as they often are. A poll today shows Republicans holding a 49 percent to 44 percent edge over Democrats in the “generic ballot,” which asks registered voters whether they would choose a Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Politics

The toxic mix of politics and health care, is the Nienstedt controversy for Catholics only, baseball parks in winter, the rights of white supremacists vs. the rights of people to try to shut them up, and why aren’t kids interested in driving? Read more →
The law is an anti-abortion effort that has been tried in several states, usually with the same result: They’re ruled unconstitutional.
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If you buy your own health insurance, and particularly if you have a pre-existing condition and an older “guaranteed issue” policy, there’s a fair chance you’re getting canceled, Kaiser Health News is reporting. Read more →

Leave it to the “Greatest Generation” to put a visual stamp on leadership. Time is running out for World War II vets to visit their memorial in Washington; they don’t have time for the politicians to grow up, act like adults, and govern the nation in a responsible way. The shut down closed the World Read more →

None of the hand-wringing about the effects of a government shutdown at midnight or the potential default on the government’s obligations later this month have swayed any politicians in Washington. But you have to give the National Zoo credit for a little bit of pluck for trying to make this the face of the shutdown. Read more →

The latest on the shutdown.
If you were losing your sight, what would you want to see before it’s gone forever? The mind of the steel-trap people. The charm of the farm. What inner-city kids can teach you about Facebook. Read more →

Abortion issue splits same-sex marriage coalition, calculating health care, darker days for the arts, pushing back against ‘teaching to the test’, and why we don’t fear autumn. Read more →
What happens if the federal government shuts down? Read more →

Social Security? People often compare Roosevelt’s New Deal legislation with Obama’s, but those days were easy.
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The issue nobody will campaign on, what does Saint Paul have against Burlington Coat Factory, a fantasy world with real cash, the overpaid Minnesota athletes, and ballet at the World Trade Center. Read more →
There may be another casualty after the latest mass murder: the focus on the need for mental health care.
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News of former Sen. Grams in hospice rekindles memories of Minn. politics Read more →

It’s hard to remember the last time a national issue in the United States didn’t break down along party lines. The Syria question is an exception.
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39 years ago today, a president quit Read more →