We’re about to reach peak Wrinkles the Clown.
Wrinkles patrols the mean streets of Naples, Florida, and nobody seems to know why. Of course, he’s become an Internet hit with occasional videos.
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We’re about to reach peak Wrinkles the Clown.
Wrinkles patrols the mean streets of Naples, Florida, and nobody seems to know why. Of course, he’s become an Internet hit with occasional videos.
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Today’s must read is the Star Tribune’s almost unbelievable profile of Justin Lang, the Robbinsdale 30-year-old man who went house to house in North Minneapolis yesterday shoveling people out. Read more →
We’ve reached another predictable stage in the coverage of a terrorist attacks: the ‘how to talk to your kids about Paris’ articles are starting to populate the InterTubes.
Here’s an idea: Don’t bother. Read more →
A Washington Post story reports 70 percent of kids stop playing team sports by the time they turn 13. They’re not good enough to play on the elite teams that have taken over the focus of parents and adults. Read more →
If the child protection system in Minnesota still seems functional to you — despite the Star Tribune’s ongoing series proving that it’s not — then consider just four paragraphs in reporter Brandon Stahl’s story today on Cynthia Kiewatt, 43, who has had several chances to prove she’s fit to care for her two-year-old son. Read more →
The number of children whose parents have had their rights terminated is going up, the Strib’s Brandon Stahl writes, but the laws to make it easier to adopt aren’t working.
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Netflix’s new policy on maternity and paternity leave should be an interesting exercise. If you give people the job of deciding how much leave they should take, will they take more than they are taking now? Read more →
Pan-O-Prog, the neat Lakeville annual celebration that marks the opening of an industrial park years ago, nearly went off without a hitch this year until 10-month-old Berkley Bailey crossed the finish line in a baby-crawling race and was disqualified.
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General Mills really brings the parental guilt with a release today of a video under the auspices of the Canada unit of its Nature Valley Granola brand that compares the memories of today’s oldsters with the ones of young people. Read more →
I flew the official airplane of Team NewsCut to the Berkshires of Massachusetts on Friday, to attend the wedding of my niece on Saturday.
With the ceremonies out of the way, Sunday was chance to give airplane rides to family members who were so interested, including our grand nieces, two young girls, sharp as whips and destined for great things. Smart, inquisitive, and soaking up what’s around them.
These sorts of things don’t just happen.
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Just in time for Mother’s Day, writer Chad Prevost is doing his part for dads. Prevost is a stay-at-home dad who, like many fathers, didn’t notice how poorly fathers are portrayed in pop culture until he became one. Read more →
Hands down, the hardest part of parenting — aside from teenagers — is how quickly people will judge your parenting, as if parents don’t already judge themselves enough.
Take the woman who tried to slap some sense into her son at the riots in Baltimore, and has gotten plenty of national attention for it.
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You know what word every parent wants to hear one time before they die? ‘Thanks.’
Brian Peterson of Nebraska, a Massachusetts native, got his wish on Monday from his three daughters, whom he raised after his wife — their mom, of course — died from cervical cancer. Read more →
In the wake of its story yesterday about resistance to affordable housing in the suburbs, the Star Tribune rightly editorializes today for affordable housing that’s not concentrated in existing areas of poverty.
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