I’ve pretty much given up trying to get the little kids in my neighborhood wear bike helmets while riding on the street out front. Why parents aren’t the ones insisting remains beyond the human capacity to understand the world’s mysteries. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Parenthood
Princehoward Barbecue Yee, of Falmouth, Maine, made a federal case last year out of his insistence that he be allowed to play baseball at Deering High School, which is in another school district from his residence. Read more →
A funny thing happened at a wrestling tournament for little kids in Kimberly earlier this month: some wrestling broke out. Read more →

The police at Towson University in Maryland are circulating images of this woman. She’s a threat. She’ll stop at nothing, apparently, to get a date for her son. Read more →
George Hartman was in eight of his son Steve’s stories for CBS. And over the weekend, the last of them aired. George has died. Read more →
The Pioneer Press reports that other Minnesota laws were never changed when same-sex marriage became the law, so while a pregnant woman automatically is considered the mother of her baby, her wife is not. Read more →
Child safety seats aren’t child safety seats unless you have them properly fastened to the car’s seat belts. Observe. Don’t do it like this. Read more →

A lot of people had to work over Christmas and it’s not much fun being away from family on the holiday.
Hal Vaughn would have none of it for his daughter, Pierce, who is a flight attendant for Delta Airlines. Read more →
The weekend tear-duct check came from Shirley Wang, who told the story on WBUR’s Only a Game broadcast about her dad, a cat litter scientist in Muscatine, Iowa who somehow became Charles Barkley’s friend. Read more →
It was a long walk to school this week for Kirsten Cox, of Swanton, Ohio, who got kicked off the school bus for bullying and was forced by her dad to walk to school instead. That’s his story, anyway. Read more →
If you’ve raised kids, you know that the day you drop them off at school is among the most heartbreaking days for a parent. They don’t need you anymore, at least during school hours. For most parents, they soon realize it’s among the most joyous moments; they’ve got part of their lives back. At least during school hours.
Of course, you actually have to have a life for that to be of any value and too many people in Darien, Conn., don’t, apparently. Read more →
New parents are so cute, what with their thinking their child will do what parents want them to do and all. Read more →
Jamie Gonzalez Diaz, of Goodhue County, faced the dilemma too many women face: she had to choose between her job and the kids. Read more →
A father missed his son’s major league debut and first hit on Wednesday night in Toronto because he was making connections in Minneapolis. Read more →

General Mills has always made lists of best places to work in these parts and in unveiling expanded parental leave and caregiving policies today, the company has demonstrated anew why.
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