Northfield council members, except one, affirmed the college town’s “commitment to be a safe, inclusive and welcoming community for all.” Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Northfield
One person’s noise is another person’s music and that fact has the politicians and police in Northfield a bit stuck on how residents and bar/restaurants can get along. Read more →
If you are a bike rider, you probably know the frustration of pulling up to an intersection where pressure plates or other gizmos force a light to turn green for cars. Bikes? Too light. So a cyclist has to hit the ‘walk’ button.
So MnDOT’s experiment in Northfield is pretty significant. Read more →
The Austin High School boys basketball team was down a bucket last night to Northfield High with 1.6 seconds left to go. Then Oman Oman got the ball.
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A Packers fan adopted a highway in Northfield.
Sure it’s clean and spiffy until our eyes are blinded by sign trash. Read more →
The barn once featured an advertisement for Sugardale wieners but that’s been wiped from the landscape in favor of the ad for Culver’s. Or is it a genuine article of gratitude? Or both? Read more →

After a tragedy last year, students at St. Olaf in Northfield sent flowers to students at Carleton. Now, a tragic death at St. Olaf gave Carleton kids a chance to return the favor. Read more →

Whatever happened to the sequester, the loudmouths at kids’ baseball games, a fortune in assisted living, should Reddit be held responsible for a smear, and what Northfield’s got that your town doesn’t. Read more →