Hey Kyle Rudolph, we love the Monday night touchdown, and we understand you’re not from here, so we’ll say this gently: It’s Duck, Duck, Gray Duck. No goose. No. Goose. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: NFL
J.T. Brown said he saw a raised fist as a middle ground gesture for those who believed that kneeling for the national anthem, as some NFL players have done, disrespected the flag. His consideration of the matter didn’t spare him from the angry, racist backlash. Read more →

This photo from the New York Times raced around social media yesterday. Why? Because it told a story people wanted to believe and we’re long past the day when news consumers questioned what they want to believe. Read more →
Why has NFL football become less popular?
Search us. But maybe the fact football fans are insufferable has something to do with it.
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San Francisco 49er quarterback Colin Kaepernick refused to stand for the National Anthem on Saturday, testing whether we mean any of of the platitudes we utter about America. Read more →
Football has an amazing ability to stay in the news virtually every day during the off-season. Today did not break the string. Apparently, ESPN — and you’ll want to sit down for this — tweeted something stupid. Read more →

When Vince Lombardi said, ‘show me a good loser, and I’ll show you a loser,’ it ended up in management text books. Lombardi had a luxury that Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton didn’t have when he sulked after losing the Super Bowl the other night, and stormed out of his postgame news conference. Read more →

If there’s one thing yesterday’s Super Bowl has taught us it’s that nothing is going to stop people from playing football. It’s simply too ingrained in the American culture now.
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There are plenty of stories out there of people who’ve been priced out of the new Minnesota Vikings stadium, even though they’ve owned season tickets for years.
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You are not alone in your misery. Read more →
Sen. John McCain and Sen. Al Franken mix it up over their NFL loyalties. Read more →
Minnesota Vikings fans were feeling their newfound oats on Twitter last night as the Green Bay Packers closed in on another loss, this time against the perennially pathetic Detroit Lions.
And who could blame them? After years of dysfunction, the Vikings are relevant in the NFC North again and there’s plenty of payback due for the fans of the team next door. Read more →
The Minnesota Vikings coaching staff is shocked by the mentality that delivered what they insist was a cheap shot against quarterback Teddy Bridgewater in yesterday’s game against the St. Louis Rams. Read more →
Football, booze, and testosterone can make for difficult times after games. Read more →

Maybe we wouldn’t all be so surprised how poorly the Minnesota Vikings performed last night if the sports media hadn’t been quite so fawning during the preseason. Read more →