Today would be a good day to tell politicians that it’s OK to listen to what people are telling them. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Mental health
Experts on suicide have generally succeeded in tamping down public talk about suicide by the nation’s school children. But Dan and Wanda Lienemann of Waukee, Iowa think there’s a better way to prevent the kind of thing that happened to their 18-year-old son. Read more →

While reading the obituary today of Lucas David Ronnei of Victoria, Minn., we realized where the young man got the courage in his struggle against depression and addiction. It was in his DNA, inherited from a family that wrote one of the most powerful obituaries we’ve ever read.
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I don’t know if you can see the video of what happened around Keller Park last night, Facebook settings being what they are and all, but it was a pretty astounding statement that a man who took his own life last fall mattered, and his loss is a loss for us all. Read more →
This is my final day filling in for Kerri Miller on her MPR talk show and, I suppose, we’re not going to exactly ‘leave ’em laughing.’ Read more →
Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank learned what thousands — maybe millions — of other Americans have already learned recently: Getting help for mental illness is an impossible task. Read more →
We’re only two episodes in but the Star Tribune’s series this week — A Matter of Dignity — has already provided some of the most compelling journalism we’ve seen in awhile, as long as you don’t bother reading the comments, which are shamefully hateful even by newspaper comment-section standards.
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It was an awful tragedy in Dallas this week when Patti Stevens, 54, took her own life, two weeks after a mentally ill former Texas A&M football player hacked her husband to death with a machete while he was out for an early-morning jog.
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The Kennedy clan is circling the wagons after Patrick Kennedy, son of the late Edward Kennedy, released his book detailing his struggles with substance abuse and bipolar disorder.
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Alfred Postell is mostly lost to the world now, a victim of an illness that denied the world his brilliance. He’s a reality check that anyone can succumb to mental illness.
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Tom Mork has a story to tell, one, he says, replete with ignorance, despair, bewilderment, humor, and hope. He’ll tell it while riding his bike. Read more →
Julio Salazar has struggled with depression for most of his life but it was only a few years ago that he sought help. This week he’s running across Minnesota to raise awareness of mental illness and the availability of that help. Read more →
The efforts of Pioneer Press reporter Mara Gottfried to help find the family of a homeless vet who froze to death in a St. Paul park is the type of story to make you want to call that relative with whom you’ve lost touch. Read more →
It’s been quite awhile since we heard from Royce White, the former Mr. Basketball in Minnesota who was the first person drafted into the NBA after publicly acknowledging he suffers from mental illness before wearing out his welcome in Houston.
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I haven’t posted audio of my daily conversation with Mary Lucia on The Current in months, but I’ve gotten a number of messages this afternoon asking me to do so. The subject, of course, is Robin Williams and it relates to the post I wrote this morning on the subject. I got a nice note Read more →