What would happen at your workplace if you wanted to take some time off? Five years worth of time off? Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Hibbing

It was a nice story, but in these times, nice stories often don’t last. In Hibbing,you may recall, the community came together to support the Koslucher family, which lost Christmas presents in a fire just before Christmas when someone reportedly stole them after the blaze. Read more →
The Hibbing School Board and the Hibbing Rifle and Pistol Club intended to give a new deal to use the Lincoln Elementary gun range a year’s test.
It lasted not quite two weeks after the Occupational Safety and Health Administration reported elevated levels of lead at the gun range. Read more →

The fire, on Third Avenue, forced four families to find new places to live. And a burglar broke in after the fire and stole the presents under the tree in one apartment. Read more →
Sometime between Sunday and Tuesday morning, someone broke in and stole the Christmas presents under the tree of one of the families in the building, the Duluth News Tribune says. Read more →
It’s hard not to imagine what the family might have contributed to a better Iron Range had his family spent more than a year in the Iron Range town on his way to a better life. Read more →

Do you know anyone who actually likes Keystone Beer? The Hibbing Police Department may want to talk to you. Read more →

If there can’t be a nightspot honoring Bob Dylan on the Iron Range, can anything survive on the Iron Range? Aaron J. Brown writes on his Minnesota Brown blog today that a crowdstarter campaign has kicked off to reopen Zimmy’s, the Hibbing night spot and restaurant that closed abruptly last spring. In truth, this campaign Read more →
There’s a disagreement over the inclusion of beer at an event celebrating ‘wellness’ in Hibbing. It’s not that beer is included, it’s that it’s not local beer. Read more →

There’ll be no Winter Frolic queen in Hibbing this year, dispatches from the land formerly known as winter tough, why schools will one day close when it gets to the 30s, was too much information released about the Target data break-in, and the science of poverty with Bill Nye. Read more →