Gov. Mark Dayton and other politicians have their careers tied to MNsure. They’ve been in denial. Is anyone listening? Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Health care

The owner of a restaurant in Texas is selling out, but not for the usual reasons. Read more →
A suicide fails but the future is still grim. Read more →
Long before there was Obamacare, an underpinning of the health care debate in the United States has almost always been that with health care, people won’t use much-more-expensive emergency rooms at hospitals for primary medical care. Read more →

The toxic mix of politics and health care, is the Nienstedt controversy for Catholics only, baseball parks in winter, the rights of white supremacists vs. the rights of people to try to shut them up, and why aren’t kids interested in driving? Read more →

Paying until it hurts in the ER, Goodbye to Jason Davis, when the privileged in Minneapolis get a taste of life in other neighborhoods, the bullying experiment, and the brains of hockey ignore the brains of hockey. Read more →

This week’s stabbing of a state senator in Virginia at the hands of his mentally-ill son, who then took his own life, has now sparked the usual follow-up: “How could this happen?” Read more →

An undignified end for ‘Old Blue,’ why is ethanol bad for everyone but farmers, websites that close at night, the racist with a black past, and the difference between men’s and women’s college hockey. Read more →

Some letter writers take issue today with the Star Tribune’s ongoing series on the number of nurses who shouldn’t be nurses, either because they’ve become addicted to some substance or because they have a criminal history. A nurse brings up an outstanding point: there’s no place to go for nurses who find themselves in trouble. Read more →

The price of paying dues, the curse of affordable health care, famous misdials in history, the Minneapolis man who almost forced the Redskins to change their name, and the big dance before they remove your breasts. Read more →
Like many people, I’ve been following the stories of people who are losing their health insurance as insurance companies cancel policies because they don’t meet the standards of the new health care law. People insisted they “liked” their old policies. And maybe they did. But it’s time to demand we get a look at those Read more →

Last of the small-town radio stations, claim: rate shock for health care is good, diversity and the Walker Art Center audience, when winter comes and you’re homeless, and the great Minnesota hunting ammunition shortage of 2013. Read more →

Abortion issue splits same-sex marriage coalition, calculating health care, darker days for the arts, pushing back against ‘teaching to the test’, and why we don’t fear autumn. Read more →

University of Minnesota employees seek the British music songwriter’s help. He says yes. Read more →

Social Security? People often compare Roosevelt’s New Deal legislation with Obama’s, but those days were easy.
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