In many ways, the debate over guns ended in 2012 when the nation went on about its business and changed pretty much nothing after little kids and their teachers were slaughtered in Newtown, Conn. That must have been particularly difficult for people like Jeremy Richman, who hasn’t been able to take any positives out of Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Guns

When the New Hampshire General Court held a public hearing at the statehouse on gun legislation opponents wore pearls. Read more →
There are guns in yearbook stories and then there are guns in yearbooks stories. They’re not all created equal and the Blackduck, Minn., School Committee seemed to recognize that when it voted to allow Antonia Long’s photo to appear in the yearbook. She’s holding a gun. Read more →

We’re not particularly surprised that a Wisconsin company has given a gun to each employee for Christmas. Because, after all, what says ‘Merry Christmas’ more than a gun? Read more →

There is a growing political caucus in America: people in office whose children have been killed in gun violence. Read more →
We’ll go out on a limb and suggest that the Founding Fathers never envisioned a country where a wizard could print a musket out of thin air. Read more →
Your kindergarteners are going to be singing new nursery rhymes. Read more →

About 200 Colonial wannabees showed up over the weekend to practice for the annual recreation of the battles of April 19, 1775,using their muskets, which many of them insist is not a gun.
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Professional baseball players tend to be conservatives who know how to keep quiet about things that might divide their fans.
Anthony Rizzo, star of the Chicago Cubs, doesn’t care about any of that. Read more →

New Prague High School is ground zero in the gun debate nationally after a video showed a student, holding a sign that said ‘Guns don’t kill people, people kill people,’ was told he couldn’t hold it during Wednesday’s protest against school shootings. Read more →

A haul of unsecured weapons was found inside the home of a boy with autism who allegedly made a threat at a Vadnais Heights school. His grandfather says they were only family heirlooms. Read more →
Levi Patterson, the coach of a 9-and-under baseball team in Neosho, Missouri, is going ahead with the gun raffle. He owns a gun store in town and says he came up with the idea before the shooting in Parkland, Florida.
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Editorial cartoons, despite their name, are plenty serious. With a few strokes of a pen, they can destroy whatever reserve you have left. Read more →

Embracing God and a perverted definition of freedom, we believe that a person should be able to buy a gun intended to kill lots of kids in a hurry, faster than the security guard with a gun that you think is the solution, can put down his doughnut. Read more →
The annual controversies surrounding yearbook photos are off to an early start this year with the school board in Crookston deciding to back away from a policy announced earlier this month that bans guns from yearbook photos. Read more →