On an otherwise calm day in the world of news, we have learned that dressing up as a tree can be as suspicious as being a clown. Read more →
On an otherwise calm day in the world of news, we have learned that dressing up as a tree can be as suspicious as being a clown. Read more →
Minnesota may be about to acknowledge, finally, that cameras and microphones in the courtroom do not destroy the legal process. Read more →
A great battle was fought. Justice has been served. Let’s set aside our pedal pub hatred and move on. Read more →
A Demonstrator protesting the shooting death of teenager Michael Brown holds up a sign on August 13, 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri. (Scott Olson / Getty Images) There is a tendency among many in the United States to view young black men as dangerous. As Morehouse College professor Marc Lamont Hill has said, many whites view Read more →
The difference in reactions to the disturbances in Ferguson, Mo., where a white police officer shot an unarmed young black man nearly two weeks ago, sadly isn’t surprising. Many white Americans reportedly think the black community’s anger over Michael Brown’s death – indeed, the growing movement in Ferguson to address longstanding inequities — and the Read more →
A phishing email to an HVAC contractor opened the door to the massive Target hack. Read more →
You can steal the car, but can you drive the car? Read more →
When you mail a package, do you have any expectation of privacy about what’s inside? Read more →
The Court said a business owner is not entitled to any more money from Dakota County than he was given when his property was taken by eminent domain, and it did so largely on this question: What is a “community?” Read more →
What is Minnesota going to do with the sex offenders who’ve already served time for their crimes, and now are being incarcerated for ‘treatment,’ which isn’t really treatment as much as it is ‘keeping them off the streets for what they might do?’ Read more →
The Minnesota Supreme Court today reversed a Court of Appeals ruling that granted a new trial for a St. Paul priest who said religious doctrine was used in his prosecution in violation of the U.S. Constitution.
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More than 750 ex-nightclub employees are entitled to damages from their former employers for being forced to make up cash register shortages from their tips, the Minnesota Supreme Court has ruled. The high court’s ruling reverses the state Court of Appeals, which ruled in favor of now-closed party bars Drink and Spin Night Club. Minnesota Read more →
Despite there being no witnesses, no gun, no evidence, and no charges, police authorities and the media covering the killing of Cold Spring police officer Tom Decker last year all but indicted Larson for the killing. Read more →
Freelance writer Michele Catalano, writing on Medium.com, relays the story of how six agents from a “joint terrorism task force” showed up at her house. Read more →
The Minnesota Court of Appeals ruled today that a guardian can authorize the disconnection of life-support systems without the intervention of the courts in Minnesota.
The court ruled in the case of Jeffers Tschumy, a 53 year old man with no family who suffered from diabetes, effect of a stroke and partial paralysis from a spinal infection. A profession guardian was appointed in 2009 and when Tschumy suffered irreversible brain damage in April 2012, his guardian directed Abbott Northwestern Hospital to remove life-prolonging treatment. Read more →