The suit to stop the unionization of Minnesota home day-care operators, the unemployment rate drops in Minnesota, how those little memory slips might suggest Alzheimer’s, a man who wanted to testify against Whitey Bulger turns up dead, and the 76-year-old Milwaukee man who doesn’t feel “that bad” about killing a 13-year-old. Here’s today’s news conversation Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Crime and Justice
A Detroit Free Press photographer was arrested by police as she filmed an arrest. While she was detained, the SIM card in her iPhone that she was using mysteriously disappeared. A man who didn’t identify himself as a cop told her to turn the camera off, and when she identified herself as a journalist, he Read more →

A question of race. Or not. What kids know that adults don’t. The electric Lindbergh. Tales of the Frankenstein rabbit. And the new bamboo menace in the Northland. Read more →
Quick note: If you’re on Twitter, you’ll want to be following @ChiefHarteau, the account for Minneapolis police chief Janee Harteau, as she rides along with cops in the 2nd precinct, and using the hashtag #NEwithrealcops Turned out to be an Unhappy man getting his car towed. All worked out everyone happy now #NEwithrealcops — Chief Read more →

America moves on after the spying scandal, the great gopher feet caper and other tales from the mean streets of Minnesota, return of the website, the grace of Steve Gleason, and the girl who makes your 12 year old look like a lazy punk. Read more →

There are war criminals and there are war criminals. Today’s Associated Press report that a Nazi responsible for wiping out a village is living in Minneapolis has gotten well-deserved attention and it’s instigated a debate on the proper U.S. response to the revelation. We understandably are repulsed at the very notion that someone could slaughter Read more →