Michaela Sousa of River Falls was likely to get a stiff sentence for the abuse her then 4-month-old baby suffered in 2016. But her homophobia guaranteed it.
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MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Child abuse
Among the most disturbing stories of the day is the NPR report today on the use of corporal punishment in schools. It still exists. It’s 2017. Read more →

In his first years of life, Joshua DeShaney kept getting returned to his abusive father by a Wisconsin county’s child protection system. Again and again, a social worker noted likely child abuse, and again and again the county returned the boy to his father, who had gained custody in a divorce settlement. Read more →
When the soon-to-be-former Minnesota Vikings running back was suspended by the NFL for the rest of the season, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell said part of the reason was that Peterson didn’t appear to be contrite for beating his son. Now, he’s contrite. Read more →

As the Minnesota Vikings season headed for the rocks, it seemed a lot of the attitude toward Adrian Peterson shifted too.
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State officials announced changes to the child abuse system to prevent a repeat of the tragedy of a 4-year-old boy. Here are a few others. Read more →

Remember Twin Cities boosters saying Super Bowl 2018 would give Minnesota a national reputation and help “put it out the map.” This isn’t what they had in mind.
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The Adrian Peterson story hasn’t been hypocrisy-free up to now and there’s no reason to expect it would be now. Read more →