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MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: bullying
Bullies are made, not born. That’s a fact that Gillette tried to point out last month with its infamous ad about toxic masculinity. If that offended your sensibilities, you’re not going to like a PSA that was released today on the occasion of Canada’s Anti-Bullying Day. It hits like a sledgehammer. Read more →
It was a long walk to school this week for Kirsten Cox, of Swanton, Ohio, who got kicked off the school bus for bullying and was forced by her dad to walk to school instead. That’s his story, anyway. Read more →
A 12-year-old girl took her own life in Bismarck, N.D., on Saturday. Her obituary didn’t hold anything back.
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Madden Humphreys was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate. He also has complete heterochromia iridum, which gives him two different colored eyes.
That makes him a target for the most vicious animal on earth: kids at school. Read more →
Keaton Jones called his mother to pick him up at school the other day. He was afraid to go to lunch where, he says, kids poured milk on him, threw bread at him, and put ham down his shirt. Read more →
Burger King isn’t the type of brand that tackles important issues — it’s a hamburger joint, afterall — but that’s what it’s done this week with an ad against bullying. Read more →
There have been enough of these types of stories lately to declare that society is witnessing a significant shift when it comes to bullying.
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The story of the Prior Lake girl who was bullied with racist taunts is plenty troubling. So is the allegation that the father of the alleged bullies excused his kid’s behavior by noting he uses the “N word” around the house all the time.
But one lingering question is plenty troubling, too. Why did it take the posting of a YouTube video for Brad Knudson to get some measure of satisfaction?
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Today’s column from the Pioneer Press’ Ruben Rosario is the sort of thing you want to put before every young person in your house to whom you’ve given a smartphone.
It’s the story of a courageous seventh-grade girl in Woodbury who reveals how a typical middle-school relationship degenerated quickly into sexual manipulation. Read more →
Thirteen-year-old Trisha Prabhu of Naperville, Illinois, has devised a project to help stem cyberbullying, the practice of posting mean or hurtful messages on social media. Read more →

Bullying reached a boiling point over in Kenosha, Wisconsin, when a father got a restraining order against a kindergartner who allegedly was bullying his daughter. Read more →
Another side of the story is being told in the case of last week’s alleged bullying of two kids in Fosston. Their mother sat them down for a video of them telling their story. Read more →

A big debate over bullying is underway in Fosston, Minnesota after a mother posted a video on Facebook of her crying daughter who had, she alleges, just been bullied by a bus driver and other students.
The resulting debate is about more than bullying. Should the mother have been filming her daughter at a time when comforting seemed the order of the day? Should a news station have been reposting the video without checking to see if the story was true? Why does a mother have to go to this extent to get satisfaction when her kids are being bullied? Read more →

In Michigan, a teacher filmed a child stuck in a chair for 10 minutes while she waited for a “maintenance worker” to get him out. Read more →