Long after photographers and reporters go home and the cheers fall silent, the best stories emerge from the darkness. Read more →
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Tag: Boston Marathon
Micah Herndon, a Marine, was running the Boston Marathon on Monday as a tribute to three Marines he served with who were killed in Afghanistan in 2010. Then his legs gave out. Read more →

Every year we learn something knew about the world of marathons.
This year we learned that runners make pit stops, as Shalane Flanagan did today at the Boston Marathon. Read more →

It was sleeting this morning when the elite female runners headed out from Hopkinton enroute to Boston for this year’s Boston Marathon, proving again that marathoners aren’t like normal people. Read more →

Runners World reports today that it’s uncovered cheating at qualifying marathons, thanks in part to a Facebook post a man in Pennsylvania made last year, lamenting that his kid’s absence from school to watch him in the marathon wouldn’t be excused. Read more →

This image was one of the many that stood out at the Boston Marathon bombing three years ago next month.
A Boston firefighter carried a badly hurt Victoria McGrath to a medical tent. Read more →

Today’s lesson that real life is not Hollywood comes from Boston, where Boston Marathon runner Barbara Tatge of Tennessee, on a dare from her daughter, stopped to kiss the first man she saw in Wellesley. Read more →

Apparently, prosecutors believe that whether Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the man who murdered people at the Boston Marathon in 2013, should live or die hinges somewhat on a photograph. Read more →

Dick and Rick Hoyt didn’t want a big name to help continue their tradition of running the Boston Marathon every year. They wanted a big heart.
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Ken E. Nwadike Jr. of Los Angeles, says he failed to qualify for the Boston Marathon by 23 seconds. He’s a race event coordinator who raises money for charities. He says he started running while homeless as a high school student. He went to Boston anyway. To hug people. Read more →

By now, you’ve probably heard of this moment in yesterday’s Boston Marathon when a runner collapsed a few hundred yards shy of the finish line. Wouldn’t you know it? There was a little Minnesota Nice (the good kind) going on there. The guy in the yellow is Mike Johnson, 47, from Stillwater. “I saw that Read more →

What’s the Boston Marathon all about? It’s almost as if the winners don’t matter. It’s about telling your spouse you’re pregnant. Sarah Norcott will reveal to her husband Jim sex of their baby when he finishes http://t.co/m9MYFpj92D @bostonglobe pic.twitter.com/sk9DN2g8sR — David Filipov (@davidfilipov) April 21, 2014 It’s about twerking… Damn you @diplo #BostonMarathon pic.twitter.com/WhuyHVOSSo — Read more →

You could probably spend a couple of hours on the Boston Globe’s web site today, just mousing over this photo of survivors and helpers who were at the Boston Marathon finish line a year ago today Read more →

Dick and Rick Hoyt will run their final Boston Marathon together in two weeks, ending one of the annual inspirational stories we still have in sports.
They never made it to the finish line last year; the bombs went off before they got there.
They’ll run this year to honor the victims of last year’s terrorist attack.
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