Today’s lesson that real life is not Hollywood comes from Boston, where Boston Marathon runner Barbara Tatge of Tennessee, on a dare from her daughter, stopped to kiss the first man she saw in Wellesley, Mass.

She didn’t get his name or his number. She was in a hurry, what with her running a race and all.
Her daughter last week started trying to find the man, pressing the power of social networks into service.
As it turns out, however, the man’s wife found Tatge.
“We all thought this story was hilarious because it is just like my husband to do that,” the man’s wife said in her letter, according to Wicked Local Wellesley. “It was one of many memorable stories from a great weekend in Boston.”
“While this may not be the ending that you had hoped for, that spontaneous, silly moment in Wellesley captured the fun, energy and spirit of the Boston Marathon,” the man’s wife said in her letter to Tatge. “I greatly admire your spunk and courage and wish you many happy races in the future. Congratulations on your Boston finish!”
“I am touched by the outpouring of support of strangers that wanted a fairytale ending,” Tatge said.
The gentleman in question was apparently not available to comment.