That Katharine Gerbner feared retaliation if she’d said something before getting tenure is a commentary on top of her commentary. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Anti-Semitism

The school’s principal called the sign ‘deeply offensive’ but won’t talk about any punishment for the students because of privacy concerns.
It might not be a bad idea to go over the history curriculum, though. Read more →

Today on 1A (10 a.m. on MPR News), the guests will tackle the infamous prom photo from Baraboo, Wis., which has been roundly criticized, motivating the community to respond in the belief that the lack of education and understanding is involved in Baraboo’s hatred of Jews.
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In a stand against bigotry, rabbis and imams rode bikes together in Berlin. Read more →

Germans are wearing skullcaps to stand against violence against Jews. Read more →
Shoshana and Ari Simones of Phoenix were on vacation when someone spray-painted a swastika and the word “Jew” outside their home. Their neighbors covered it with paper but when they got home, the couple took it down and let everyone see what we’re becoming.
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President Trump reportedly suggests Jews and Democrats are responsible for a wave of anti-Semitism in the United States. Read more →
The question of rebuking anti-Semitism should be a hanging slider that any president could hit out of the park. Read more →

What do you do if you get on a New York subway train and finding swastikas on every ad?
In a post on Facebook on Saturday, Gregory Locke, an attorney, said you look uncomfortably at each other, and then get to work. Read more →