We’re going to have plenty of these sorts of videos, we suspect. There’s nothing classy about Philadelphia sports fans and Vikings fans were warned it might be a bad idea to wear the purple at the Vikings-Eagles game. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
People are jerks

Americans hate their news media. But some of its most wealthy are running cons, stealing people’s financial future and running off to Naples. Only one institution is calling them on it.
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We made it three days into the new year before we got our first ‘stupid airline passenger tricks’ entry. Read more →

If more people in Minnesota knew how to have a good time without getting drunk, maybe the ginormous holiday light display in Minnetrista would still be lit. Read more →
Actor James Woods has no time for the ideals of the United States as a great melting pot. How else to explain his tweet? Read more →

Everything that’s wrong with bro-talk radio can pretty much be summed up with a Boston sportscaster’s rant against Roy Halladay on the day after Halladay — about as decent a person as ever existed — crashed his plane into the Gulf of Mexico and died. Read more →
The steady dreambeat, now, of sexual harassment allegations gives us pause to ask them a question: Who raised you?
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Maybe there was a time when dressing up as a Ku Klux Klan member would have earned some scorn, but, at least in Horace, N.D. (southwest of Fargo), those days are apparently over. Read more →
Fired Maine high school football coach Duane Greaton says he wants to tell his side of the story and we’re all ears, waiting to find out why the defensive unit of the Gray-New Gloucester football team was told to yell ‘who’s your daddy?’ every time they got to the quarterback for Yarmouth High School.
The quarterback has two mothers. Read more →
That was some fun a person had overnight when they invested time and energy and risked their freedom in order to set two tourist and event boats adrift in Superior Bay.
So what if it’s Justin Steinbach’s livelihood, eh, kid?
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