Scott Kelly has a perspective that few others have on the subject on an out-of-control political discourse. His sister-in-law, Gabby Giffords, was shot in the head just a week into her third term in Congress at the same venue in Tucson in which a federal judge was killed. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Archives for October 2018
The internet and social media has given people the ability to have their voices amplified. Too often, that’s a bad idea.
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Brainerd, like many Minnesota communities, restructured its fire department to a paid on-call volunteer force, eliminated five full-time equipment operators, ending an arrangement that had kept someone in the fire hall 24 hours a day. Read more →
Dave Lindgren, 53, and Michele Newman,55, were high school sweethearts when they were growing up in Loyal, Wis. But after they’d already broken up, Newman found out she was pregnant. They decided to put the baby up for adoption.
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In the category of uniquely Minnesotan, Alan Page playing his sousaphone on the route of the Twin Cities Marathon near Kenwood Park still stands above all others. Read more →

A Saudi journalist is probably dead because there’s no country left on the planet using its moral authority to prevent the killing of those who seek the truth about power. Read more →

Here are the topics, guests, and stories you’ll hear today on MPR News. Read more →

KTTC, the Rochester TV station, has some explaining to do if it wants to restore the credibility it lost when a news anchor wore a Make America Great Again hat during a live shot at President Trump’s appearance in Rochester.
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Watch enough episodes of “Cops” and you learn that when an officer walks up to a guy who’s out of his car and by the curb, it almost never ends well. This time it did.
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Here are the stories, topics, and guests you’ll hear today on MPR News. Read more →

It was only recently that Juan Romero finally began to let go of the memories from a night in June 1968.
It was only recently that he began to celebrate his birthday again, because it fell on the same month as the time he got to see Robert F. Kennedy close up. Read more →
Let’s check in on how the media is faring at the big Trump rally in Rochester. Read more →
Saga Vanecek, 8, who used to call Minneapolis home, had your typical day in Sweden one day over the summer. She went to the lake, took a dip, started throwing stones to see how far they’d skip, then pulled a 1,000-year-old sword with apparent Viking ancestry out of the lake. Read more →

Leena Ali had never heard of people celebrating a life after death, only sad funerals, apparently. Then she got a text to attend a celebration for someone she didn’t know. Read more →
Mary Winchenbach gets excited when she sees ‘a moose take a turd.’ Who doesn’t, Mary? Read more →