It’s hard not to sympathize with Laura Berg’s disinterest in forgiving Jordan Paulus, 20, of East Bethel, Minn., who ruined Berg’s life.
“I’ve never felt this way about other people, but I hate her,” Berg tells Fox 9 News. “I look at the scars every day and I see them and I hate her.”
Paulus was allegedly on her phone when she plowed into Berg near Seventh Avenue in East Bethel. Cars in front of her were stopped in a construction zone, Paulus didn’t want to hit them so she swerved, hitting Berg, who was holding a slow/stop sign.
Berg was in a coma for two months.
“The thing that gets me is that she hasn’t even tried to apologize,” said Berg.
Paulus, like many people initially suspected of looking at phones while driving, is getting a break from the justice system.
The Anoka County attorney says he’s not going to press felony charges because he can’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Paulus was on her phone and driving in a grossly negligent manner.
“I was like, ‘Are you related to her? What’s going on? Is it because I’m Mexican?’ She should be charged!” said Berg, who faces more surgery this month, according to Fox 9.
“In other states there’s signs saying if you hit a construction worker, this is how much you’re going to get charged, and this is how many years you’re going to get,” said Berg. “So, something has to change here.”
The county attorney says he still might charge Paulus with reckless driving.
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