Now that the Minnesota Legislature has gotten it together and banned the use of hand-held cellphones while driving, perhaps it’s time to turn attention to bowls of cereal. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: distracted driving

Today’s tweet from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety — and the accompanying picture of Megan Goeltz — is about as infuriating as it gets.
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Laura Berg, 34, of Fergus Falls, Minn., is lucky to be alive. Jordan L. Paulus, 21, of East Bethel, is lucky she’s not going to prison for being on her cellphone when she should’ve been paying attention to driving when she plowed into Berg, who was on a road crew, putting her in a coma for two months. Read more →
What was so important on Netflix that Taylor Thiets, 20, of Maplewood, had to watch it while driving 70 mph on I-94 before crashing between Rothsay and Fergus Falls?
We can’t know, apparently.
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A sweet moment after last weekend’s Minnesota Class A State Tournament semifinals was a sobbering reminder that the carnage caused by distracted drivers in Minnesota can be found just about anywhere these days. Read more →
It’s hard not to sympathize with Laura Berg’s disinterest in forgiving Jordan Paulus, 20, of East Bethel, who ruined Berg’s life. Read more →
It’s asking a lot to judge sentences handed in a courtroom at which those doing the judging aren’t present, but a sentence handed down in a texting and driving case in Chisago County is likely to stir the debate over how serious the system is on cracking down the practice. Read more →
The Legislature had a chance to increase the odds of people like Laura Elena Soto Silva getting home to her kids. It chose not to. Read more →

The Minnesota State Patrol published a video today in an effort to try to call attention to the problem with distracted driving, a problem which everyone already knows about but continues to do anyway. Read more →
In 2013, David Riggs was on his scooter near his Oakdale home when he was struck and killed by a driver on Helmo Avenue who was his sending his third text in a little over three blocks. Like many families, Peggy and Craig Riggs have gone public with their grief, hoping to reach people who Read more →

At a red light on Wednesday, Moorhead police officers looked out of a bus and saw not one, not two, not three, but four different drivers taking the opportunity to do a little texting.
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Give the people of Morristown, New Jersey some credit for at least acknowledging out loud — sort of — that a person’s car is their castle and they have a god-given right to do whatever they want therein.
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People who think the justice system doesn’t take the death of pedestrians at the hands of distracted drivers seriously enough have another piece of evidence to support their claim.
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When pedestrians and bicyclists are killed by drivers, their killers often get a slap on the wrist. One widow has had enough.
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Results from the Minnesota State Patrol’s crackdown on distracted drivers suggest maybe it shouldn’t be a short-term crackdown. The Twitterverse, however, is pushing back. Read more →