A key to making fanny packs cool again, New York Magazine says, is calling them ‘waist bags.’ Read more →
A key to making fanny packs cool again, New York Magazine says, is calling them ‘waist bags.’ Read more →
Does this scream, ‘Rochester, Minn.,’ to you? It’s the winner in the public voting to replace the city’s official flag. Read more →
Elin Ersson’s Facebook video, which is racing around the internet, is an invitation to ask ourselves, ‘what are we willing to stand for?’ Read more →
Here are the stories, topics, and guests you’ll hear today on MPR News. Read more →
At Target Field, there are no more openings this year to be the veteran that raises the American flag — the moment which sparks loudest cheers at a Twins game these days. The games are all booked up for the rest of the year.
It’s a nice moment, for sure, but does the continuing exposition of the military have some exploitation involved? Read more →
Researchers from Stanford looked at data back to the ’60s, and factored in confounding things like air conditioning, income level, and gun ownership, and it has found that a monthly rise in temperature of 1 degree Celsius leads to about a 1 to 2 percent increase in the suicide rate. Read more →
A discussion about a splash pad set the two to brawling. Read more →
We have two bucket lists: One we have a chance of completing; one that is unlikely. On the latter is the RAGBRAI, the great annual bike “race” across Iowa, which is now underway. Read more →
Here are the stories, topics, and guests you’ll hear today on MPR News. Read more →
An update from Chicago, via the Chicago Tribune, settles the story of the guy at a game at Wrigley Field yesterday who appeared to take the ball from a kid in the first row. Read more →
We know a little something about the process of finding and booking guests for shows on TV and radio but we still can’t figure out how, assuming a minimal level of competence, Fox News ended up booking a Massachusetts opponent of separating immigrant children from their parents when it thought it was lining up an Arizona supporter of U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement policies.
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The Lopez family has been stranded in Costa Rica because 3-year-old son Axel was injured during the trip and is in a cast, unable to fly on a commercial flight. Read more →
Half of the newspapers reporters and editors are being eliminated in an oh-so-American-workplace way today. They’ve been told to go back to their cubicle farms and wait for the email which will tell them whether they’re staying or going. Read more →
The big aviation fly-in in Oshkosh opened this morning over in Oshkosh, Wis.
For one week each year, the airport becomes THE busiest airport in the world. Read more →
If there’s still justice in the world, someone is tracking down this Chicago Cubs “fan”, who has no knowledge, we presume, of one of the rules of being a baseball fan: Give the kid the ball. Read more →