The Capital Gazette, where five journalists were slaughtered last week because someone didn’t like the job they did, penned a disturbing “thank you” in its Sunday paper.
Here’s the good part:
But we also will always remember the bells of St. Anne’s ringing as members of our staff — past and present — walked down Main Street surrounded by thousands who turned out to support us in a march to City Dock.
We always will remember the singing on a grassy knoll across from our office in a second vigil, little more than a day after five acts of murderous rage changed our lives forever.
Thank you for the cards, the letters, the emails and the flowers. Thank you for the food, the text messages and the signs.
Here’s the disturbing part:
Here’s what else we won’t forget: Death threats and emails from people we don’t know celebrating our loss, or the people who called for one of our reporters to get fired because she got angry and cursed on national television after witnessing her friends getting shot.
Victims of Capital Gazette shooting in Annapolis
We won’t forget being called an enemy of the people.No, we won’t forget that. Because exposing evil, shining light on wrongs and fighting injustice is what we do.
“The absolute lack of self awareness demonstrated in this piece is beyond stunning,” a commenter replied. [Update: Comments have since been deleted.]
It’s hard to have hope for the future of a country where there are people outwardly embracing the nation’s founding principles while simultaneously spitting on them.