This is the time of the year when we wonder why anyone would want to be a teacher in Minnesota. It’s layoff time.
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MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Archives for April 2018
Every morning, we get an email from the digital bosses at the World Headquarters of NewsCut. It’s the daily page view and “engagement time” for everything that appears on the MPR News website. I don’t pretend to know what most of it means other than it feels better to be at the top of the list from Chartbeat than not on it at all. Read more →

This is the power of human connection, of shared joy, and shared grief, a medical gift to us that removes the scar tissue of the steady drumbeat of the worst of us, for the healthy heart of empathy. Read more →

Here are the topics and guests you’ll hear today by listening to MPR News. Read more →
South Florida Judge Merrilee Ehrlich retires at 5 p.m. today, after failing to muster up an ounce of human dignity while berating a defendant who was charged with getting into an argument with her daughter. Read more →

It didn’t help Ashlyn Bohrer when her pediatric cardiothoracic surgeon in Minnesota announced he’s leaving for another job, and the local hospital couldn’t attract a new surgeon quickly. So the family had to look for another pediatric heart center and settled on a hospital in Milwaukee.
It turned out to be a good choice. Today, the family got a call. There’s a heart for Ashlyn.
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Wayne Porter, a blacksmith, says he didn’t plan on building a horse when he started the project; it was supposed to be a goat playing a saxophone. But the engineering required for musically-gifted goats turned the project into a horse instead. Read more →
Perhaps you’ve noticed police departments increasing the use of social media to get help identifying suspects — they call them “persons of interest” — in crimes. It’s a troubling trend that is growing more troubling because businesses have started doing the same thing. Read more →

This week, authorities in La Crosse and Trempealeau counties and businesses in the area have to spend their time tracking down everyone who visited several locations, because someone with measles had visited the area. Read more →
Late last month, 14-year-old David Briel and his 51-year-old dad, Daniel, were killed by a silage collapse in a silo at their Barron County (Wis.) farm. Another son escaped.
The family decided to sell their heard of dairy cows after losing the two. Read more →
We may be in the final days of seeing anyone spend 40 years in the newspaper business at one paper, or any paper at all.
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Here are the topics and guests you’ll hear today by listening to MPR News. Read more →
Actually, summer comes early in Minnesota.
MPR social media savant Julia Schrenkler can prove it.
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The Minnesota Twins have company now in their campaign against people actually playing the game of baseball against them.
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It was just another day at Stillwater Area High School. Come in. Sit down. Get turned down for prom by a Hollywood star. Read more →