Here’s a followup to a NewsCut post from 2012, when Seth Holloway, of North Carolina, got our attention because he sold 1,397 eggs so that he could get a ride on a B-17 during the big show at Oshkosh that July
If a kid wants something bad enough, he’ll do just about anything. Seth really wanted to fly.
“His ultimate goal is he wants to go to the Naval Academy. He wants to be a pilot,” his dad said at the time.
“Dream big and go make it happen,” one of the old-timers advised him after his flight in the B-17.
So he did.
Last Sunday, Seth passed his private pilot checkride and earned a pilot certificate, the Experimental Aircraft Association reported on Monday.

That’ll come in handy.
He applied to five colleges (getting accepted by all three five) and three service academies (getting accepted by two).
He starts at the U.S. Naval Academy in June.