Wedding photographers, brides, and grooms struggle to find just the right pose that will be distinctive and different.
You can all stop trying now. Photographer Darren Hatt’s effort last weekend can’t be topped.

Three little kids were following Hatt and Clayton and Brittany Cook as they were being posed for a scenic shot after their nuptials in Cambridge, Ontario.
Then Mr. Cook noticed there were only two.
“I saw the boy in the water struggling to keep his head up,” he tells BBC Newsday(audio here). “That’s when I jumped down.”
His wife thought he’d jumped in the water as a joke.
“It was a good story. It was a happy story and that’s why I like promoting it,” he said. “You know what? There’s a lot going on these days and it’s a good story and everyone ended up safe and that’s what’s important.”
The couple still has plenty of pre-rescue traditional photographs.