Thanks to Reddit, this sign from Glendale, Wis., is racing around the internet, confirmation that a lot of people have a problem with a few parents — the ones who take their kids’ baseball games too seriously.

“The sign was our attempt to tamp down that vocal minority of parents who take the outcome of a youth baseball game too seriously,” John Diedrich, the league president who is also a reporter for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, writes.
A few years ago, Mike Matheny, now manager of the St. Louis Cardinals, coached a youth baseball team for a year and addressed this issue to parents in a now-famous letter. It begins, “I always said that the only team that I would coach would be a team of orphans, and now here we are. The reason for me saying this is that I have found the biggest problem with youth sports has been the parents.”
But many parents won’t listen.
In North Carolina, a parent was so unhappy on how it was going for his kid that he sat on the bench to give the coach the “what for?” .
Person (parent) goes to bench to complain to coach during a live period game. Coach has them kicked off bench. #aaubingo #parentsgonewild
— Eric Bossi (@ebosshoops) April 24, 2017