Political conventions are pretty fertile ground for Bad Lip Reading, the satire site that takes the real and makes it unreal. It was a little more challenging, perhaps to take Ted Cruz’s unreal moment in Cleveland and try to make it more unreal. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Archives for July 2016

In the relatively short time I had to spend with Sgt. Leroy Petry on Monday, he didn’t try to recruit me into the military, he didn’t glorify war, and he didn’t tell me what politician I should vote for to be considered properly ‘patriotic.’ Read more →
The Democratic National Convention hadn’t even started in Philadelphia yet before we got our first entry in the “disrespect for the flag” category. Read more →
Someone smarter than a blogger is going to have to explain how a Jerry Garcia ‘Run for the Roses’ cassette tape ends up in the Minnehaha Creek watershed.
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We don’t learn a lot about Dorothy Jetta Mueller in the paragraph, but we learn enough.
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Jareka Bolen decided that she will move in to hospice while she can still make her own decisions, unhook her ventilator and die. But first she wanted to have a big party — a prom, she called it.
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When the severe storm with 100 mph winds hit Duluth this week, the Algoma Guardian was just starting her trip through the canal when Dennis O’Hara was filming. Read more →
This wasn’t an easy week to win the Internet, but the Minnesota United FC came pretty close with its reaction to Wednesday’s gaffe in which United keeper Sammy Ndjock threw the ball into his own goal. Read more →

The best obituary for Allen Seletsky, of Boston, is the closed storefront that sits on a prime piece of land in the city that would bring a fortune to a corporation that would lease it if it could. Read more →
It turns out we didn’t see the end of former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke’s political career after his conviction and prison term on felony charges. Read more →

Is life in America as horrible as Donald Trump painted during last night’s speech? It all depends on whether you like Donald Trump. It always does with presidential campaign messages. Read more →

With the second day of a heat wave about to percolate Minnesota, we feel a need to dip in early to the ‘Because it’s Friday, that’s why’ file for a little backdrop for some ‘where can I get away from all of you’ daydreaming. Read more →
People who wanted WNBA players to just shut up and play basketball have gotten their wish. Sort of.
At least two teams are vowing to stop talking. About basketball.
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The former Bloomington city attorney, who had refused to back down from prosecuting members of Black Lives Matter for their occupation of the Mall of America in December 2014, is now pushing back against some critics of the group’s positions. Read more →
We come here today to bury the VCR and to announce the breaking news that VCRs are still being manufactured.
But only for another 10 days. Read more →