This is Mackenzie Berry dancing with her father when she was about seven years old.

Not long after this was taken, they were in a car crash. Her father died.
She would have too, she thinks, if not for a woman who pulled her from the wreckage.
Late last week, she took to Facebook to try to track down the woman.
Say what you will about social media, but this sort of thing is right in its wheelhouse.
Today, the CBC reports, the two were reunited on a radio broadcast.
“I was scrolling through my news feed one night before bed,” Chelsea Kelly told CBC Saskatchewan. “My heart started racing, I knew right away who she was. I was speechless. I was panicking. I knew right away it was us she was looking for.”
Chelsea and her mother, Jean, said the reality of the accident didn’t hit home until well after they’d left the scene.
“I didn’t want to leave her in the vehicle. I just, kind of, took my hand under her legs and my hand behind her back and lifted her up in the sitting position and put her in the back of my vehicle so she would stay warm,” Jean Kelly said.
The women haven’t yet met in person.
Their interview is being played this afternoon during CBC’s Afternoon Edition. The segment airs after the 5 p.m. CT news. (Listen)
Let the record show, it took only four hours from the time of the original post to the time her rescuers stepped forward.