The pressure might have been on Jane Rosenberg, when New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady was back in federal court in New York today, the scene of Rosenberg’s ruined summer.
Rosenberg is the courtroom sketch artist who came up with this:

She had a better time with it today, although he still looks guilty.
And here's Jane Rosenberg's sketch of Tom Brady from today's hearing. "It was a nightmare."
— Stephen Brown (@PPVSRB) August 31, 2015
Nonetheless, Brady is “in my dreams, it’s a nightmare for me,” Rosenberg said. “I hope this thing gets settled and is over with.” The hearing today lasted only about five minutes.
The uproar from the get-a-life football crowd must’ve bothered her, despite her insistence that she wasn’t going to let it.
Yesterday she unveiled a sketch of Brady that she spent two days working on.
He looked innocent and completely persecuted by the NFL.
In other words: She nailed it.