Maybe Twitter would have eventually become an accepted source of news and information if Janis Krums hadn’t been on a ferry in the Hudson River when he was the first one to tell the world an airliner has landed in it.
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Maybe Twitter would have eventually become an accepted source of news and information if Janis Krums hadn’t been on a ferry in the Hudson River when he was the first one to tell the world an airliner has landed in it.
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I’m generally not a big fan of of the theatrics and drama of people who declare that they’re leaving Twitter. Just go, already, if it’s not for you.
Everyone who’s on Twitter already knows it’s become a cesspool of bickering and politics since, well, you know. That’s not all Twitter is, of course, but it can easily give you a skewed perspective of the human condition and that can be exhausting. Read more →
Twitter provides a safe haven for white supremacists and Nazis but it’s got a real problem with people who tweet phone numbers of politicians. Read more →
When Harrison Rund was stopped by a Minnesota state trooper in 2014 who searched his trunk and found marijuana, he made a big mistake.
He went home, started drinking, and then went on Twitter. Read more →
Jack Lipscomb, 19, has spunk. We like spunk.
Lipscomb, a fan of the Cleveland Indians, wants to throw out a ‘first pitch’ at a home game, a reasonable request considering the usual boring array of people who are entrusted with the task in baseball these days. Read more →
Donald Trump’s penchant for communicating via Twitter while ignoring mainstream media is rewriting all the rules.
Take this question, for example. If a president has chosen Twitter to communicate with the people he represents, is it ethical to ‘block’ people from following him and, thus, hearing what he has to say? Read more →
If the Titanic should run into trouble tonight, Twitter is going to be all over it. Read more →
There is value, of course, to the social media of participants, who now have the freedom to raise voices previously muzzled.
But it has not yet eclipsed — not nearly so — the value of a courageous storyteller.
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Did you know there’s a Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg? I do (I even know how to pronounce it) and today it got me in trouble on Twitter because I did what I usually do with NewsCut, I connected unrelated (though interesting) facts with something that’s currently in the news, in this case the effort to rename Lake Read more →
The Mall of America launched the #ItsMyMall hashtag to ask people to talk about their experiences at the mall. For those opposed to the mall’s response to a Dec. 20 demonstration, it was an invitation to protest. Read more →
A Minneapolis man and his two kids were thrown off a Southwest Airlines flight from Denver to Minneapolis on Sunday because he tweeted his displeasure that the two kids weren’t allowed to “priority board” with him. “In leaving I said, you know, ‘Real nice way to treat an A-list. I’ll be sure to tweet about Read more →
Do newsroom bosses give the audience enough credit for understanding social media? NPR has put the question in the spotlight after an education reporter tweeted on an NPR account that while she tries to provide diverse voices, only the white voices call her back. That’s a typical social media grenade and one of NPR’s news Read more →
So this is a thing, now.
Across the Twitterverse this week, high school and college kids are making deals with their professors and teachers, who are supposed to be in the business of educating students. Read more →
It was hard to tell the other night when Stephen Colbert was in character and when he was just being the real Stephen Colbert when he declared ‘I’m not a racist.’
He was reacting to the protests that popped up after his writers tweeted a joke he made on the show without any of the context that was evident in his Comedy Channel show’s episode. That prompted Twitter to take to the ramparts to urge that his show be canceled. Read more →
The guy leading the VIkings stadium construction has been tweeting cool pictures of the Metrodome destruction. He says the team and the Minnesota Sports Facilities Commission have asked him to stop. Read more →