This is a tough time to be a young teacher in Minnesota’s school districts. It’s pink slip time, when your bosses get to suggest in public you’re not good enough for them but they can’t or won’t say exactly why. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Teachers

Ten percent of teachers surveyed spend more than $1,000 of their own money each year on their classroom. Read more →
Despite the best efforts of his students to keep him around, the Rochester teacher who swore in class is resigning. Read more →
Students at Rochester’s Mayo High School have taken to social media today to protest the apparent disciplining of a teacher who dropped an ‘F bomb’ in class.
They’ve organized a ‘Free Thorson’ campaign on Twitter to build support for Jon Thorson, an English and speech teacher at the school. Read more →

In Michigan, a teacher filmed a child stuck in a chair for 10 minutes while she waited for a “maintenance worker” to get him out. Read more →

“From where I stand, teachers are the last line of defense against the tyranny of the 1 percent.” That line in a speech during the annual Education Minnesota conference last week put Megan Olivia Hall, the state’s teacher of the year, in the line of fire. Hall, a grade 7-12 science teacher at Open World Read more →
A football coach takes a stand on his players’ behavior. Read more →

Word reached me through the usual channels last week that the first journalism teacher I ever had — Anne Masse — passed away. Until it did, I didn’t know that much about her, really, other than she was the one who encouraged me that this journalism thing could work out. In 1971, she sent me Read more →

How we teach the teachers. The dog tags go home to a Minnesota native. Remembering Roy Grow. Why are men so fragile? And should we require deposits on cigarette butts? Read more →