In a small and rare victory for the working stiff, Sun Country Airlines, still in the process of becoming a cheap, no-frills operation, has found failure in its plan to get rid of its own employees in favor of outsourcing the jobs to people who’ll work for less pay and benefits. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Sun Country Airlines
The Cranky Flier — Brett Snyder — today gives the airline his Cranky Jackass Award because it abandoned its customers in another country, and is still trying to talk its way out of responsibility for doing so. Read more →

It’s hard not to think that Sun Country’s latest problems are a sign that the once hometown airline is descending into the abyss of no-frills airlines, which is notable only because Sun Country was once known for customer service.
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Unless there’s a future announcement involving a significant reduction in fares, it’s hard to see how Sun Country Airlines’ new baggage fee policy does much more than encourage people not to fly Sun Country anymore.
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One can hardly blame the airline for decision, reported by the Star Tribune today, to follow the path of the cheap airlines that advertise low fares and then add fees for every ‘frill’ the customer wants. Frills like overhead bin space, and the option to carry on luggage. And leg room. The airline is planning to put more seats in its planes. Read more →
It’s entirely understandable that Sun Country Airlines would divert a flight from Minneapolis to Waco instead of Dallas on Sunday night, where weather presented a safety issue. After all, even Scott Crossfield had the ‘right stuff’h, but was no match for a thunderstorm. Read more →