Nothing can save a journalism career like a little attribution. And yet, every now and again, we hear the stories of journalists who lift the work of other journalists and pass it as their own.
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Nothing can save a journalism career like a little attribution. And yet, every now and again, we hear the stories of journalists who lift the work of other journalists and pass it as their own.
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Jason Lewis, the 2nd District congressman, is in a close race with DFLer Angie Craig in next month’s election. So it seems unusual that Lewis got op-ed space in Monday’s Star Tribune — and Tom Emmer got similar space today — to use to campaign against the opposition if they so choose. Read more →
I would have liked to have known Jon Tevlin because he wears his heart on his sleeve and that’s a good thing for a newspaper columnist. It’s also what will get you killed on social media. Read more →
If you hadn’t noticed, the Star Tribune is apparently bucking the trend of dying newspapers in the country and it’s getting love today from Poynter, the journo think tank. Read more →
The attack on Wednesday evening by Star Tribune gossip columnist C.J. — she never uses her real name — on KARE 11 journalist Jana Shortal because of her clothing while reporting the Wetterling story seems an indecency all its own. Read more →
One of these days, the Star Tribune’s Brandon Stahl is going to win a Pulitzer for his tireless coverage of the failures of Minnesota to protect its most vulnerable children.
Unfortunately, he seems to have an inexhaustible supply of failures to prove it. Read more →
Sports Illustrated’s Richard Deitsch offers no names in his column today detailing just how common it is for female sportswriters to be sexually harassed by the men they cover.
Some of the players in incidents he details required the willful assistance of officials of the teams for which the athlete played. Read more →
It’s not fashionable to like newspapers anymore, but Baird Helgeson’s tweet today is a solid reminder of the daily miracle that happens each day. Read more →
Adrian Peterson and the Star Tribune are waging a fierce battle with each other over Sunday’s blockbuster story, including an allegation of financial impropriety at Peterson’s All Day foundation. Read more →
It’s hard to see how the Star Tribune will be a better newspaper without the experience that is about to walk out the door. Roughly a dozen-and-a-half staffers have taken voluntary buyouts and will be leaving the newspaper. The Newspaper Guild said the departing members have 586 years of newspaper experience. Many of them are Read more →
The Minnesota Court of Appeals today ruled that an organization created by the Minnesota Legislature isn’t subject to data rules designed to allow access to some public records. Read more →
On the whole, Taylor sounded themes of ownership restraint in the article. But it’s clear it’s not a good time to be an old reporter at the Star Tribune. Read more →
The talk’s been bubbling for a week or so that Timberwolves owner Glen Taylor was poised to buy the Star Tribune. Today, the side went public detailing Taylor’s plans to buy the state’s biggest newspaper. Read more →
The third-richest man in Minnesota may be buying the Star Tribune newspaper, a report today says.
Glen Taylor, owner of the Minnesota Timberwolves, former legislator, and owner of companies in the wedding invitation printing business, is nearing a final agreement with the paper, according to the business newsletter, Business Take. Read more →