There isn’t a pauper among the groups trying to bring Major League Soccer to Minnesota, but that’s never mattered before when it comes to public handouts for sports facilities. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Stadiums

Voters rarely get the opportunity to take a stand on public funding of sports stadiums, so when Cleveland went to the polls this week for continued taxpayer subsidies, it provided a good barometer of public sentiment on the issue. What did we learn? That the vocal opposition to stadiums might be overblown, taxes to support Read more →
The guy leading the VIkings stadium construction has been tweeting cool pictures of the Metrodome destruction. He says the team and the Minnesota Sports Facilities Commission have asked him to stop. Read more →
From the day we moved here in 1992, I never developed the hatred of the Metrodome that a lot of area sports fans did. So you’ll have to forgive me if I find that some of the pictures showing up on Twitter today some with a heaping helping of melancholy. Read more →

Why a Minneapolis man is suing to halt state funding of a new stadium for the Vikings, a White Bear Lake hockey player shows what sportsmanship is, Winona is the stained-glass capital of the USA, a gay Marine dies a Marine, and the return of BatKid. Read more →
The Braves are abandoning a stadium that is just 17 years old, but yet needs “hundreds of millions of dollars in improvements. Read more →

There’s a reality in debates over public financing of sports stadiums that rarely gets acknowledged: You never really stop paying for them. Read more →