It’s not often — well, never — we hear about road rage on bicycles but KARE 11 says a single bicyclist is responsible for two attacks on a school bus blocking his path. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Road rage

Everybody loves Jessie Diggins. Except for one knucklehead in Afton, apparently, who tried to kill her on Sunday morning, she writes for all the nation to see. Read more →

David Desper, of Pennsylvania, would have gotten to wherever he was going about 10 seconds later had he let Bianca Robinson merge as two highway lanes became one. Instead, he shot her in the head and will likely be right on time for prison. Read more →
What does it look like when someone opens fire on you because you tooted your horn at them at a green light at a major Minneapolis intersection? It looks like this. Read more →

A tailgating pickup driver gets what he deserves. Read more →