Some people can look away from the killings and attacks on innocent people in Syria. And then there are the Canadians. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Refugees

A refugee from Somali had been walking for 21 hours when he crossed from Minnesota to Canada. He was nearly frozen. A CBC reporter met him and put him in his car to warm him up and called the police. Does that challenge an ethic that says journalists shouldn’t get involved in the stories they cover? Read more →

For years, Star Tribune legend Sid Hartman warned his legions against the Twin Cities becoming ‘a cold Omaha.’ Maybe that’s not such a bad thing. Read more →

It was one year ago Sunday that Canada’s prime minister greeted a planeload of Syrian refugees from Lebanon, welcoming them to his country. Read more →
It’s hard not to imagine what the family might have contributed to a better Iron Range had his family spent more than a year in the Iron Range town on his way to a better life. Read more →
‘Could kindness be bad for your health?’ the Valley News Live story asked the other night, noting the Centers for Disease Control report that tuberculosis rates are rising in the country for the first time in 20 years. Read more →

Petra Laszlo, the woman who tripped refugees while filming them escaping from custody in Hungary last month, certainly has a knack for public relations. Read more →
The mass migration of people trying to flee war has one constant: the children. Always the children. Read more →
A picture is worth a thousand words and sometimes 999 of the words are wrong. This tweet raced across the Internet this week. It showed a boy “all alone” in the desert, fleeing the violence of Syria. It was based on a picture distributed by a U.N. agency. Here 4 year old Marwan, who was Read more →