The heavens above, in this case the Milky Way. So natural. So mysterious. So beautiful. So incredibly fake. Read more →
The heavens above, in this case the Milky Way. So natural. So mysterious. So beautiful. So incredibly fake. Read more →
It was a moment in time captured by a random photographer. Saya Tomioka and her boyfriend, Griffin Madden, shared a kiss in Times Square after they’d emerged from ‘The Book of Mormon.’
The photographer showed them the picture and then dashed off.
A random moment became meaningful, however, when the Oakland Ghost Ship fire claimed the life of Madden.
Every now and again, we need a little reminder about what a diverse and breathlessly beautiful country the United States can be. Even its ugly parts are weirdly enthralling. Today’s reminder comes from photographer Dave Hirschman, who occasionally ferries airplanes for a living. This week, he flew an Aircam, owned by Twin Cities businessman Walt Read more →
Stuck in a cubicle this afternoon? We’re not entirely sure this is going to make you feel any better but it’s pretty neat anyway. Alex Chacon, a freelance photographer, has been driving his motorcycle around the world — although he pretty much missed the entire American Midwest — after putting his doctoral studies on hold Read more →
Today, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear the case of a New Mexico photographer who refused the job of photographing a same-sex commitment ceremony. You may recall in the Legislature’s debate about same-sex marriage, the mythical wedding photographer who would be forced to take pictures against her will was a common theme.
Elaine Huguenin is that photographer and her case is the first to reach the Supreme Court, which wanted nothing to do with it. It rejected the case without comment. Read more →
The fastest-disappearing job in journalism is the photographer and this is the time of the year when it shows.
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Before this city became what it is today — a monstrous destination that’s probably more than twice as large as New York City (depending on which survey you believe) — a neighborhood between the mainland and the posh Victoria Island started spreading into the sea. That was more than 100 years ago.
Now, at least 85,000 Lagosians live in Makoko. They still do what their ancestors came for: the fishing. But the state is trying to evict the area, citing health concerns among other reasons. Read more →
Slate has posted a brutally intimate photo essay of the Ku Klux Klanby photographer Anthony Karen. Read more →
A Detroit Free Press photographer was arrested by police as she filmed an arrest. While she was detained, the SIM card in her iPhone that she was using mysteriously disappeared. A man who didn’t identify himself as a cop told her to turn the camera off, and when she identified herself as a journalist, he Read more →