There had to be a lot of pressure on Zachary, Aaron, Nigel, and Nick Wade of Ohio. They are quadruplets and, presumably, none of them wanted to be the one who wasn’t accepted by an Ivy League school. Read more →
There had to be a lot of pressure on Zachary, Aaron, Nigel, and Nick Wade of Ohio. They are quadruplets and, presumably, none of them wanted to be the one who wasn’t accepted by an Ivy League school. Read more →
Caleb David Duda was just 2 when he was placed in the foster home of Dave and Amanda Duda of Milwaukee. He’d been abused and neglected and even at 2, had multiple placements in foster homes. His birthparents’ terminated their rights. That was April 2014. Read more →
If you’ve never had to raise your children without the benefit of the electronic gadgetry, one can understand the panic the FAA’s ban on electronics is having on parents. Read more →
Robert Kelly wants you to know he loves his kids and he wasn’t mad at them for making him into an Internet sensation. Read more →
Bekah and Derrick Quirin intend to walk the entire 2,200-mile trail starting next week with their 1-year-old baby. They figure it might even be easier than staying home. Read more →
Today’s moment of sweetness comes from PBS NewsHour, whose “Brief but Spectacular” segments encapsule everything good about public TV.
Last evening’s segment featured writer Kelly Corrigan whose father got cancer around the time Corrigan was undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer. Read more →
Rob Caskey, 48, hasn’t seen his mother in 30 years. He didn’t even know if she was still alive and, for sure, he didn’t know she was living in Duluth. Read more →
Eventually, every tradition has to die and when President Obama pardoned a turkey at Thanksgiving today, one did.
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Much has been written during and since the World Series about baseball’s victories and their connection to people who are now gone — usually old-timers… grandfathers, fathers etc.
But only Anthony Castrovince, a writer for MLB.com, has written about a different twist. Baseball’s connection to a child who was never born. Read more →
‘We had a pact,’ Wayne Williams said. ‘When the Cubs – not if, when – the Cubs got into the World Series, we would make sure we listen to the games together.’ Read more →
One of the reasons parenthood is so hard is because there are so many people in the business or pleasure of telling you how you’re doing it wrong. And there’s no greater expert on how to be a parent than the ones who’ve been doing it for a couple of years, tops.
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What’s the matter with these kids in Grand Forks today? You take them to a parade and someone on a float throws candy and they run to get it. Where are the parents?
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Somehow, Baby Boomers did OK with their career choices before becoming the helicopter parents who tried to direct every aspect of the lives of their precious flowers, attempting to keep them from stumbling, falling, and learning how to pick themselves up again.
Now they’re the nation’s grandparents and newspaper columnists, offering insufferable expertise to a generation that’s had plenty of it. Read more →
For too many parents, never. Read more →
What do you get the stepfather who has everything? Adoption papers.
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