The decision to shutter Al Jazeera America recently was met with a general shoulder shrug. It was hard to find the channel on cable TV. It was easy to find its website, but not enough people were interested in finding it. Read more →
The decision to shutter Al Jazeera America recently was met with a general shoulder shrug. It was hard to find the channel on cable TV. It was easy to find its website, but not enough people were interested in finding it. Read more →
Memo: If you’re a leader in the fight against cultural appropriation, you might not want to go with blackface on Halloween. Read more →
Since December, nine people between 12 and 24 have taken their own lives. Many more have tried, but failed.
There are only six mental health counselors on South Dakota’s Pine Ridge Reservation, which is the size of Rhode Island and Delaware. Read more →
Looking for the racists at the Rushmore Plaza Civic Center in Rapid City? They’re up in the luxury boxes. Read more →
Al Jazeera America this week has been peeling back the veil of indifference that has masked a reality of life in parts of Minneapolis — native American gangs. Read more →
If the United States ever thinks it needs something more to be outraged about, it always has the one thing it’s ignored for generations: the treatment of Native Americans. Read more →
If you want a great example of how a pro athlete can be a proper role model for kids, look no further than the scene around Target Center last evening. The Lynx are the home team but it was the Atlanta Dream who seemed to be the team of choice for many of the fans, Read more →
A St. Louis County commissioner, a supporter of a controversial copper mine, is at the center of a controversy for a history lesson he gave during a public hearing in Ely, the Duluth News Tribune reports today. Read more →
This might well be the spark that leads to the end of racist Native American mascots. This is NOT ok and something needs to be done #und #siouxperdrunk pic.twitter.com/v4vaIdlAmQ — PaoPao (@QuechuaPride) May 13, 2014 In the wake of the University of North Dakota “Siouxper Drunk” party outrage, Native American leaders have finally found a Read more →
The first grade class was supposed to dress up as a policeman, a cowboy, a biker dude, a construction worker or a Native American to perform YMCA during a talent show.
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