At last check, they’re still jamming in Fargo where they’re trying to break the record for the world’s longest jam session. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Music

Your daily dose of bittersweetness. Read more →
Minnesota could make purple its official state color. It could name a new transit line the “purple line.” It could find a street somewhere and call it Prince Street.
Here’s another idea: It could better support music in public schools. Read more →

Steve Hartman usually provides a generous helping of sweetness in his On the Road series, but Friday’s piece comes with a side of serious contemplation over the messages kids learn and where they learn them from.
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The Internet killed the CD, brought back vinyl and led to huge layoffs in the music industry. But here’s one profession it’s created. Read more →
A touching moment in Austin where a young woman is hospitalized because of the drunk driver who crashed into concert goers, killing two of them last week at South by Southwest. Read more →

Did lawmakers follow through on their promises to give up their shutdown pay, Herb Bergson’s battle, the ice houses that don’t want to leave Minnesota lakes, when we make things all about us, and Minnesota: The state of Daft Punk. Read more →

Minnesota is a local music state, dude. We reject your uncool mapping. Read more →

If you’ve been dispirited by the constant cuts in music education in recent years, perhaps you can find some hope in today’s awarding of a Grammy to an upstate New York teacher for excellence in music teaching. Read more →

The seventh ring of hell: Internet comments. Al Shabab’s recruiting video. Why a sexual assault center in Saint Cloud is desperate. A study of grit. And the musical conductors who walk among us. Read more →

Bob Dylan has had a cult-like following ever since he figured out how to get out of Minnesota. Now, however, he has a cult literally following him.
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Linda Ronstadt has revealed that she can no longer sing a note; she has Parkinson’s. She ushered in a pretty fair era in music in the late ’60s and early’70s, along with James Taylor, Carole King, and the Eagles: folk rock. She was the decade’s highest-paid female singer and it wasn’t because of the high-glitz Read more →

The tension and reaction surrounding a Rock the Garden set, perhaps, was inevitable as more rock festivals feature partnerships with previously-unlikely bedfellows. Rock music and an art museum? In the end, at least with one set, the locale won out. Art is supposed to satisfy, infuriate, cause a commotion and get people involved in spirited debate. Read more →