The Minnesota Court of Appeals is now considering the case of a man who sawed his neighbor’s garage in half in a property dispute.
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The Minnesota Court of Appeals is now considering the case of a man who sawed his neighbor’s garage in half in a property dispute.
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Under Minnesota law, people who are hurt by uninsured drivers can be covered under the Minnesota Automobile Assigned Claims Plan. But today, the Court of Appeals said Paek Saengkeo, injured in a 2010 crash, isn’t entitled to any benefit because his brother, who lived with him, had co-signed the loan for his then-girlfriend.
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A new Minnesota man won’t be able to collect $17,000 in medical payments incurred in a car accident because his out-of-state insurance company isn’t allowed to write insurance in Minnesota. Read more →
A former candidate for Minnesota Supreme Court has lost her appeal stemming from a 2013 drunk driving arrest that surprised Republican officials in the state two weeks after endorsing her judicial bid. Read more →
Take note, people who demonstrate and disrupt government meetings. You don’t have a free speech right to do so, the Minnesota Court of Appeals ruled today.
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A Minnesota police officer blocks your car in parking lot, shines his spotlight on you and asks you to take a breathalyzer test. You refuse and lose your license. Legal? The judges said yes. Read more →
The Minnesota Court of Appeals today reinstated a discrimination suit filed by a woman who says she was denied a job because she was pregnant when it was offered. Read more →
The Minnesota Court of Appeals today agreed with a man who shot his ex-girlfriend that he can’t be convicted of first-degree assault in the state because the bullet he fired into her back didn’t hit any vital organs. Read more →
A divided court ruled a blood draw is more invasive than a breath test and so requires a warrant. The decision reins in Minnesota’s law criminalizing suspected DUI drivers who refuse alcohol testing. Read more →
The court made its declaration in the case of a man who was not allowed to possess a firearm because of an earlier felony conviction for possession of a controlled substance. Read more →
In a child custody dispute, a father claimed that a court-ordered psychological evaluation would have violated his Rastafarian religious beliefs. Read more →
The Minnesota Court of Appeals today settled — at least for now — a Catch-22 problem for a woman who tried to rent an apartment in Spring Park, Minn., last year. Read more →
A Minnesota Court of Appeals panel today ruled that surveillance video on Metro Transit buses is public information and ordered them released to a Twin Cities TV station. Read more →
Jacob Miles Solberg, of Erskine, Minn., is probably going to spend more time in prison for raping a co-worker in 2013 because the Minnesota Court of Appeals today ruled that being remorseful isn’t enough to get a break on his sentence. Read more →
The Minnesota Court of Appeals has again declared that the law making it a crime to refuse to submit to DUI testing is constitutional. The Court ruled today (pdf) in the case of Tarah Louise Fichtner of Hermantown, who was stopped and arrested in 2013 after she failed two of three field sobriety tests but Read more →