The campaign ad for gubernatorial candidate Tim Pawlenty pairs the officers with text that appears not to square with Minneapolis’ sanctuary city policy. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Minneapolis police

From available evidence, a Minneapolis police officer wasn’t being threatened by a dog when he answered a burglar alarm at a home in north Minneapolis Saturday afternoon. But Ciroc and Rocko, two Staffordshire terrier therapy dogs, got shot anyway.
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When the Minnesota Lynx put on warm-up T-shirts memorializing two black men killed by police, the Dallas police officers killed in an ambush, and calling for us to look to ourselves for change, it was too much for Minneapolis police officers to take. Read more →
Minneapolis took more than a year to investigate an officer’s complaint of age discrimination, then claimed that the statute of limitations ran out on a suit filed under the state’s Human Rights Act. Read more →

It’s been an ongoing issue between the police and the people they serve for several years now, despite ruling after ruling that people have a right to stand on a public street and film the actions of police. Read more →
There is value, of course, to the social media of participants, who now have the freedom to raise voices previously muzzled.
But it has not yet eclipsed — not nearly so — the value of a courageous storyteller.
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This is the part of #pointergate that has been lost in the brouhaha over one incident and one indication of police attitudes toward residents of the city. Read more →

The snowstorm couldn’t have come at a better time for KSTP in the aftermath of its ill-fated decision last Thursday to run a police-union-inspired story claiming Mayor Betsy Hodges was flashing gang signs with Navell Gordon, a young man with whom she was participating in a get-out-the-vote door-knocking effort.
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