Alfred Postell is mostly lost to the world now, a victim of an illness that denied the world his brilliance. He’s a reality check that anyone can succumb to mental illness.
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MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Mental illness

Tom Mork has a story to tell, one, he says, replete with ignorance, despair, bewilderment, humor, and hope. He’ll tell it while riding his bike. Read more →
A new program in Minnesota got scant attention during the legislative session, but lawmakers approved funding for a program offering early detection and treatment of psychosis in young people. Read more →

The reality is it’s not OK to show people online you’re not OK. The missing discussion is how are we to change that fact? Read more →
Julio Salazar has struggled with depression for most of his life but it was only a few years ago that he sought help. This week he’s running across Minnesota to raise awareness of mental illness and the availability of that help. Read more →

You don’t often hear funeral services start with a tribute to a news reporter, but, then again, mentally ill homeless people who freeze to death alone don’t often get funerals.
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We’re apparently never going to know the name of the persons who saved the life of Jennifer Green when she was jumped from a bridge over Faribault’s Straight River in 1990. They want to remain anonymous, a report today says. Read more →
The efforts of Pioneer Press reporter Mara Gottfried to help find the family of a homeless vet who froze to death in a St. Paul park is the type of story to make you want to call that relative with whom you’ve lost touch. Read more →
It’s been quite awhile since we heard from Royce White, the former Mr. Basketball in Minnesota who was the first person drafted into the NBA after publicly acknowledging he suffers from mental illness before wearing out his welcome in Houston.
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I haven’t posted audio of my daily conversation with Mary Lucia on The Current in months, but I’ve gotten a number of messages this afternoon asking me to do so. The subject, of course, is Robin Williams and it relates to the post I wrote this morning on the subject. I got a nice note Read more →

Especially in his frenetic appearances on late-night TV, it was difficult watching Robin Williams. Anyone who has battled depression or had a loved one tortured by it knew that his genius came from a dark place. Read more →
This week the Minnesota Court of Appeals reversed a district court ruling that prevented a 27-year-old man from marrying a woman, because he has a mental illness. His parents don’t believe he fully understands what marriage is. Read more →
Mental health advocates will tell you that trying to get the country to pay attention to — and maybe even provide a little empathy for — the problem of mental illness in America has been a long slog. Imagine if the fervor for eliminating smoking could be harnessed to make significant inroads to help those Read more →
The statistics show that people with a mental illness are far more likely to be the victims, rather than the perpetrators, of violence. And yet, here were again this week shining the spotlight on what role mental illness might have played in a crime.
But does the latest Fort Hood shooting paint an unfair picture of the link. NPR’s Shots blog thinks so. Read more →
Golden Valley’s reaction to a proposed mental health center for kids was hateful, and shameful. Read more →