Sometimes, we’re lucky enough to get a good snapshot of what love looks like. It looks like this.
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MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Love
A good love story can take many forms and, not surprisingly, Boyd Huppert of KARE 11 found a good one for his weekly series last evening. Read more →
The Duluth News Tribune’s John Lundy reports the Paris tradition of attaching a padlock as a symbol of love has made it to Duluth. Couples write their names on the lock and then attach it to three pillars on the Lakewalk in Canal Park.
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We submit that the nature of love is measured best with age.
Here are a couple of stories to support the notion. Read more →
A 93-year-old veteran from Virginia has reunited today with the 88-year old Australian woman with whom he shared a wartime love. Read more →

Not since ‘the lady in pink’ has the state of hockey been so smitten with an attendee at a Minnesota Wild game. Read more →
The ‘most enduring’ marriage in Minnesota has ended after 77 years.
The Duluth News Tribune says Dan ‘Pinky’ Skorich, of Marble, died earlier this month. He was 98. Read more →

The bride was attended to by hospice nurses. Her husband has cerebral palsy, the Des Moines Register reports. Read more →

Our latest addition to the ‘over the top marriage proposals’ comes from romantic Roseville, where Columbia Heights assistant gymnastics coach Jeremy Torkildson planned a flash mob to propose to Jolene Miske, the head coach, at the conclusion of a sectionals meet earlier this month. Read more →

Your daily dose of sweetness comes from WBUR in Boston today, where singer/songwriter Marcia Deihl pens a love story on the Cognosenti blog.
As Valentine’s Day approached, she reports, her mother found new love.
She did so at age 102. Read more →

Vivian Boyack, 91, and Alice Dubes, 90, got married on Saturday. Read more →
Roundy’s decision to dump its Rainbow grocery stores in Minnesota and head back to its roots caused a momentary heart skip for many people today. But it’s not like days of yesteryear when we had a meaningful relationship with the grocery store. Nobody knows our name, and with a few exceptions, what you can get Read more →

Paxton Harvieux, Michael Goodgame and James Adams were killed last Friday after their SUV slid into the path of a truck. They were on their way to a Frisbee tournament.
Their deaths have struck the soul of parents everywhere, who dread the thought of the late-night call from a police department far away. Read more →

Rocky Abalsamo has died and while you may not know the name, he’s the type of guy against whom all husbands are measured.
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Nate Yoho and Laura Brammeier of Des Moines didn’t have much time together after they met in late 2007. They were engaged three years later, just before Laura passed out at work. It was cancer in the brain. In May 2011 she had surgery at the Mayo Clinic. In August, they were married. The 28-year-olds Read more →