At least for now, the mass collection of phone records is an unreasonable search under the Constitution, federal judge Richard Leon ruled today. He granted a preliminary injunction sought by two men — Larry Klayman and Charles Strange — saying they were likely to prevail in their constitutional challenge. But he stayed the injunction pending Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Law
The Court said a business owner is not entitled to any more money from Dakota County than he was given when his property was taken by eminent domain, and it did so largely on this question: What is a “community?” Read more →
GoldieBlox, the toy company that wants to inspire girls toward engineering and science, can apparently tell when the tide turns.
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A deal is a deal when it comes to surrogate birth, even if the mother changes her mind, the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled today. The court ruled in the case of Monica Schissel of Columbus, Wis., who changed her mind after agreeing to bear a child for David and Marcia Rosecky of Menomonee Falls, using Read more →
Like Justice Sonia Sotomayor did yesterday, Justice Antonin Scalia read his dissent to today’s DOMA ruling from the bench. It’s a symbolic but otherwise pointless exercise, given that in 2013, live cameras and microphones are still not allowed in the High Court. Read more →
If you drive a car while intoxicated in order to avoid being beaten by your husband, you cannot avoid a drunk driving license revocation, the Minnesota Court of Appeals has ruled. Read more →

Guilty until proven innocent? North Dakota justice. Jesse Ventura: Embarrassment. Dreaming trains. And songs to move the NPR headquarters by. Read more →
The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision could expand DNA’s role because it allows warrantless DNA searches of people who are arrested, not just those convicted. Read more →